Waste not, want not!

Since my Nan died last year I’ve been spending a couple of nights a week with my grandfather to keep him company in the evenings.  He’s not short of company during the day, my mum and her sisters visit him regularly.

old pearly jenkins

He’s doing really well on his own and likes to keep himself busy pottering around the house and garden.

Last week when I was doing a few jobs for him I noticed this washing basket trolley.

old pearly jenkins

check out the wheel!

old pearly jenkins

My granddad clearly comes from a generation where the term ‘Waste Not, Want Not’ applies to wheels.

Love you Stan the Man!!!

8 thoughts on “Waste not, want not!

  1. That’s amazing! My grandmother has told me many times that as a child she wore pieces of cardboard in the soles of her shoes when they started to get holes in the them. It definitely puts things in perspective!

  2. Sweet!!…Nice of you and your family to spend time with Grand Dad. Grand Parents for me is a extinct breed as all of them have passed by in these 15 years, but they were affectionate and I liked them even if they were not that active in my memory provably due to old age. Best is the home sweets and stories grand ma’s said. Nice wheeler for the washing basket trolley.

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