Possum eviction Part 3.


old pearly jenkins

Yesterday the roofers arrived and pulled off all the old corrugated iron and then the rain arrived!

We haven’t had any decent rain here in Brisbane for MONTHS!! when I left for work the rain was coming through the extractor fan in the bathroom.  What can you do?  I left the problem to the professionals and came home last night to a roof covered in tarpaulins.

Late last night we had a storm….. The tarps were flapping like CRAZY but we stayed dry.  Today the sun is out and the roofers are back.  Fingers and toes crossed they manage to secure the roof before it rains again.

No sign of the possums!!

The company I keep on cold Saturday nights.

For the pass month I have been slowly trying to strip back all paint from the front porch.  As I work full-time I try to do a little at night.  It’s an incredibly BORING job but today I finished the walls.  I’ve just got to work on the rest of the timber trims.  THEN it all needs sanding.


Last night I had company while I worked. This possum is a new visitor. It wasn’t bothered by the noise of the heat gun, which sounds like a hair dryer.  Maybe it was enjoying the warmth that the heat gun produces.  It was a little cold last night.old pearly jenkins

First day back to school.


It was supposed to be the first day back to school today for children at state schools here in Queensland BUT we had a bit of wild weather over the weekend and not all schools were able to open.  Our local high school was closed.  I felt sorry for the middle son as it was supposed to be his first day and he was so incredibly  nervous this morning.  He just wanted to get the ‘first day’ over and done with.  I don’t blame him, I remember the feeling!!

The Possums.

I know I shouldn’t but I worry about our little furry friends in the roof when the weather is this hot.  Its been in the  mid 30’s celsius (approximately 90 degrees farenheit) and under the corrugated iron roof they must be sweltering.  When we open the cupboard to give them their dinner late in the afternoons they are often  lying spreadeagled on the floor of the cupboard.  Is this their way of keeping cool?  Why do they choose to live in these conditions???

A few weeks ago we decided to put in a little water bottle usually used for rabbits, guinea pigs etc.  It looks like they’re using it too because the water disappears.  I did wonder if the water was dripping out, so I put a little bowl under it to see and so far its remained dry.  I’d really like to put a small fan up there but Mr F, who isn’t that crazy about the whole possum ‘thing’ thinks I’m going a little overboard.  I know he’s right, I just can’t help it.

I took these photos this afternoon when I came home from work.

old pearly jenkins

old pearly jenkins