Introducing mummy Possum’s latest edition.

old pearly jenkins

Mummy Possum’s baby was getting too big for her pouch.  I’d noticed recently a leg or arm hanging out.  So now she’s back to carrying this years edition on her back.  I apologise for the quality of the photos.  It’s a very dark cupboard and I don’t want to freak them out with a torch in their faces.

old pearly jenkinsold pearly jenkins

Eureka he’s done it!!

Finally… it’s finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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.old pearly jenkins

old pearly jenkins

old pearly jenkins

The colour looks different in the photos.  In real life the cupboards are more of a green blue.  The picture above shows the colour better.

My next smaller project is to paint the legs of the bench seat.  My current project is stripping back the many layers of paint from the front porch.  Tedious and smelly work.

Cupboard update

It’s been quite a while since Mr F dragged home the cupboard BUT he has just about finished it.

I’m popping over to New Zealand for the weekend and he has promised me that he will put the final coat on the doors and attach them to the cupboard.

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old pearly jenkins

So this is what it looked like when he discovered it sitting out amongst other odds and ends. (kerb side collection) and this is how it looks now.  Just about finished.

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old pearly jenkins

I could have tried to make it look a little nicer when I took the photo.  You know, added a vase of flowers or a few vintage items but this is what the cupboard is going to be used for.  It’s for the boys bedroom to store all the games for the Xbox 360, Wii etc…

Possum update.

It’s been quite a while since I mentioned the possums and there have been some changes!

During January and February, we’d open the cupboard to feed mummy and baby but mummy possum was never there.  It was just baby and Big B*#ls, whom we suspect is daddy.  I would worry about her because they were lying in the cupboard, the coolest part of the roof and we could hear them fighting when she would try to reclaim her spot..


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baby possum appears to have moved out and BB only shows up occasionally.   It’s just been mummy possum sitting in the cupboard when we open it each night.  However  baby and BB are  still around as we see them occasionally in the Frangipani trees next door.

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Big Ba#@s eating some flatbread in the Frangipani.

We have our suspicions that mummy maybe carrying another little possum in her pouch as a few weeks back she seemed to have a reddish/brown  dirty mark in the area where her pouch is.

Perhaps this is why she’s back in the cupboard.

Middle son and I spent  some time this afternoon making her a little padded box to keep her warm during winter.  Last year we had a towel in a corner for them and mummy and baby would curl up together on it.  Check out this year’s effort.

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We made it out of an old box, some bits of an old duvet inner and an old towel.

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Mummy went in for a bit of a look, noticed that it needs a little work in the corner but we think she likes it.  We’ve fixed up the droopy bit and hope that it keeps her ‘snug as a bug’ all winter long.

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Ok, I know it’s not very hygienic but I wanted to get a photo of him before he grew to big.  I did wipe the bench down after I put him back in his cupboard.

The Possums.

I know I shouldn’t but I worry about our little furry friends in the roof when the weather is this hot.  Its been in the  mid 30’s celsius (approximately 90 degrees farenheit) and under the corrugated iron roof they must be sweltering.  When we open the cupboard to give them their dinner late in the afternoons they are often  lying spreadeagled on the floor of the cupboard.  Is this their way of keeping cool?  Why do they choose to live in these conditions???

A few weeks ago we decided to put in a little water bottle usually used for rabbits, guinea pigs etc.  It looks like they’re using it too because the water disappears.  I did wonder if the water was dripping out, so I put a little bowl under it to see and so far its remained dry.  I’d really like to put a small fan up there but Mr F, who isn’t that crazy about the whole possum ‘thing’ thinks I’m going a little overboard.  I know he’s right, I just can’t help it.

I took these photos this afternoon when I came home from work.

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old pearly jenkins