Week 4

It’s been quite a while since I’ve had the chance to update this blog.  Long hours at work and limited internet access hasn’t helped but now the lovely lady upstairs (the owner of the granny flat we’re renting) has given us access to her internet account.  So hopefully now I will able to update it regularly.

old pearly jenkins

The small window on the right has been removed and filled in with weather boards.

While the builders have been waiting for the permits to be approved they’ve been busy installing new windows and lining the old dunny.  It’s starting to look more like a little study now

all shrubs gone

Before we put in the pool.


old pearly jenkins

old pearly jenkins

old pearly jenkins

The old kitchen.

It’s storm season here in Queensland and yesterday we went to the house to have a swim.  It was incredibly hot and muggy and we could hear the thunder in the distance.  It arrived quite suddenly and brought with it heavy rain and hail.  The boys abandoned the pool and took shelter under the house.   The area under the house was a muddy mess.

old pearly jenkins

old pearly jenkins

old pearly jenkins

The hail bouncing off the trampoline was fun to watch.

old pearly jenkins

Then before we knew it, the storm had past and the sun and the steamy heat returned.

It’s now Monday of week five and hopefully (fingers crossed) the drains and footings are done this week.

Week 1

How exciting!!!

The builders arrived on Tuesday last week and began to create a walk in wardrobe (WIR) and ensuite for the main bedroom upstairs.  It’s very hard to show what they’ve done with photos but I’ll do my best.

old pearly jenkins

The really bad photo above is trying to show a room that is known here as a ‘sleep out’ it would have had timber Louvre style windows running the length of it but sometime in the late 70’s or early 80’s they were replaced with aluminium sliders.

16 Sleepout in Old Queenslander House

A  ‘sleep out’, here in Queensland, refers to a room that is  an enclosed verandah. ‘Sleep outs’ were originally created for extra sleeping space  and is meant to be cooler than the main house.  A ‘sleep out ‘ was either part of  the original construction of the home or quite often a  verandah would be enclosed.  The photo above is one I’ve found on google.  I love the old lino.  Judging by the slope of the ceiling this must have been a verandah originally.

old pearly jenkinsold pearly jenkins

The photo above shows the new opening from the main bedroom to the future ensuite and WIR.  We’ve chosen not to have a door put on but instead have doors on the WIR and ensuite.  It will make the room feel a little bigger this way.

old pearly jenkinsold pearly jenkins

The builders are very tidy.  The photo on the right is my attempt to show you what is happening in the kitchen.  This little room is going to become a study area off the bedroom.  It was up until last week, a toilet and the back door.  The small window will be replaced with double casement windows.

old pearly jenkins

The possum houses are at least providing a shady spot for a neighbourhood cat.  This cat is called Echo.

Possum eviction Part 1.

My youngest son and I have spent  Sunday at my parent’s house.old pearly jenkins

My dad very kindly gave up his only day off this week to help me build three new possum houses and I am extremely grateful for his time..

He found the plans online and we got stuck in.

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Here are the finished products! three wonderful new homes for the possums.

It’s really important to me that we at least try to offer alternative accommodation.  We’re having  the rusty old roof replaced with a  brand spanking new one!! + insulation in a few weeks time.

old pearly jenkins

I hope the little buggers use them!!  I also hope that they’re  ‘rain proof’  We’ve built them out of marine plywood but I think I might still give them a coat of ‘something’ to keep our little friends dry.  Spring is just around the corner and that means Storm Season here in Queensland.

old pearly jenkins

Here they are,  buckled in the back seat of the car … ready to go!!!

I also want to share with you a recent project my parents have been working on.  It’s a Pergola by the swimming pool.  I love it!!!

old pearly jenkins

And here is the youngest son enjoying the last of the winter sun.  Despite it being winter, I still managed to  get sunburnt!!

old pearly jenkins


So… I couldn’t get that other mirror out of my mind.  I kept seeing it painted a beautiful red and hanging near the front door.  I had to go back and buy it.  It’s supposedly Tasmanian   from the 1890s.

We’ve always wanted a hall stand with a seat and mirror but we’ve never seen one that wasn’t going to cost us ‘an arm and a leg’ to have it transported from another state here in Australia.  For example this is for sale on Gumtree, listed as  Antique  Edwardian Queensland Maple stand. It’s in Sydney……we’re in Brisbane!!!!!!


Until we find one we will hang this mirror by the door and below it will be this long padded bench seat.  Add a few baskets for shoes and it will be just as good.

old pearly jenkins

I saw this for sale at Woolloongabba Antiques Centre when I was buying the mirror.  It’s not my ‘cup of tea’ but I love the colour.  On closer inspection the label said it was Italian and for sale at $245.00.  Any thoughts???




I went to Rosewood recently for work.  Rosewood is a small town  in the Bremer Valley and approximately 60 kilometres west  from  Brisbane .  I can’t pass through  without visiting the towns only bakery as its cakes and slices are so cheap, LARGE and delicious.  This macadamia and caramel slice is so yummy and only $2.50 a slice.   There are a few good Op shops too.




First day back to school.


It was supposed to be the first day back to school today for children at state schools here in Queensland BUT we had a bit of wild weather over the weekend and not all schools were able to open.  Our local high school was closed.  I felt sorry for the middle son as it was supposed to be his first day and he was so incredibly  nervous this morning.  He just wanted to get the ‘first day’ over and done with.  I don’t blame him, I remember the feeling!!