Beryl gets a new hat!

When I bought Beryl the Cockatoo lamp, she came with a shade that I liked but always wanted to change at some point.

old pearly jenkins

So I finally got around to doing something about it!

I bought some cute spotty fabric from Spotlight and a cheap shade from Bunnings.

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To see how much  fabric I would need, I placed the seam of the shade on the edge of a towel and rolled it along the towel until the seam appeared again.  I made a mark on the towel and used a tape measure to find the length.

I measured the width of the shade and added an extra inch either side to fold over the wire on the inside. For a nice tidy finish I folded over an inch of fabric and gave it a press with a  hot iron.

old pearly jenkins

I used a can of spray on adhesive to hold down the fold and allowed it to dry for a few minutes.


I then spray the entire length of fabric with the adhesive and very carefully began to roll the shade along the fabric.  I lined up the raw edge of the fabric with the seam on the back of the shade and finishing with the folded edge.

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I folded the edges into the inside of the shade and left to dry for a while.

old pearly jenkins

old pearly jenkins

I’m really pleased with the results.  The whole project from beginning to end took less than half an hour and approximately $20.00.